Art Show

Student presenting project on Sea Turtles. Watercolored Sea Turtle on left and releif sculpture of a hatching sea turtle on the right.

Portrait of Shakespeare for history project

Portrait of Shakespeare for History Project

Tiger illustration for science research project

World Map Labeled Painting
My first year teaching, for Halloween, the children researched historical figures and made costumes to wear during their presentations and reinactments held on Halloween. This is Cleopatra in her costume and her research book is on the table beside her.

Flamingo Science Research
I love teacihng this Albrecht Durer scaling technique! Using a grid to perfectly copy an image much larger or smaller than its original size..

Painting the Great Stories

3-D Christmas Card template I created for the children to color, cut out, and glue for holiday projects..

illustrating the Great Stories
Below are laminated Thanksgiving place mats to bring home to decorate their dinning tables. They went outside to find leaves, we used a gelli-plate to print their hand prints and make turkeys out of them. I asked them to think about what they were thankful for and write it somewhere on the place mats.

Below are examples of some decor I made for children's events.

Using Gelli-plate for Monoprints